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Veterans Employment


Military spouses are employable. Here’s why.

Are you a military spouse looking to move back into paid work? Here are six valuable skills you can add to your CV.


 Employment as military spouse can be tricky. For a while, your career has taken a back seat while your partner pursues their career in the Australian Defence Force (ADF). Between long overseas deployments, regular relocations, and being the primary caregiver, maintaining your career hasn’t been high on the priority list. Being an ADF spouse is a full-time job, after all.

You’ve made sacrifices to support your loved one and your career has sat on the back burner. But now, you’ve decided to go back to work. So where do you start?

The RSL Veterans’ Employment Program offers free, personalised, one-on-one assistance for Defence and veteran partners and families looking for career support.


Getting back into work as a Defence partner

Re-entering the workforce may seem daunting, but as a military spouse, there are many soft skills you have developed over the years that can work in your favour. Make no mistake, with a well-written CV and a bit of interview preparation, you can put your best foot forward as a desirable employee.

Soft skills are hard-to-measure skills you’ve learnt throughout your life and career. Dedication, patience and passion are just a few examples. Highlight these on your CV as you reset your career path.



6 soft skills defence partners have down pat

Even if you haven’t been in paid work for years, as a military spouse you have skills and attributes that are desirable to employers. Here’s just a handful.

You are adaptable

Given change comes life in the military, a spouse knows how to adapt. Change doesn’t phase you, and your flexibility is a highly valued asset by any future employer.

You’re adept at project management

You manage home relocations, military life, and household finances. Not to mention the day-to-day of running a home, like packing, children's school and sports runs, and creating a home. No two days are ever the same, and a military spouse knows how to maximise the day and get things done.


You know how to stay calm

Military spouses are no strangers to a crisis. The ability to keep cool, calm, and collected under pressure is nothing new to you. Whether it’s because your spouse is on active duty, or you’re running a household alone, a military spouse will manage high-pressure situations without hesitation.


You are resourceful

You can rebuild a household from the ground up in an instant with few resources and then do it all over again a few months later. You know how to make a little go a long way. You can tap into the available resources in a new area, with little existing network. You are resourceful!


You have a global perspective

You may have lived and travelled all over the world. Your global perspective rivals most. This experience has helped you keep an open mind, communicate effectively, and build your understanding of diversity.


You are dependable

What screams dependability more than sacrificing your career for your loved ones? Long periods apart, uncertainty on when and where you may need to move, but each time, you are there, day in and day out. Solid and dependable. Your future employer can rest assured they can rely on your loyalty.


Need a hand making your next career move? We can help!

 The RSL Veterans’ Employment Program helps the families of veterans reach their career goals. From writing CVs and cover letters to connecting you with local employers, we’ve got your back. Our service is friendly, personalised, and free. Find out more here.

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Emma Ryan